Still learning part 3

1. Bunnies are not animals to be named after me… “Kennedy” is on vacation (although Miah says she died) and the new baby bunny that was bought on Easter “K2” is M.I.A since I have returned from Rwanda.

2. Chocolate in the morning is 100% acceptable as long as it is put on toast or in your coffee.

3. When sitting in between shelves in a land cruiser while off roading through rural villages, it is advisable to wear a helmet, elbow pads, wrist guards, and wedge yourself in with pillows.

4. If you don’t follow advise from #3 you may end up with a few bruises.

5. If you are cooking vegetable curry and you run out of curry, take every spice and seasoning you can find and mix them together.

6. When there is a hole in a boat toilet paper does not help.

7. If it is raining outside and you are on a bus from Rwanda to Uganda it may also be raining inside the bus too.

8. Slack lining is fun for everyone.

9.When you leave your room for a week the snizzard, bats, and bugs throw a party.




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